Preparing for Life and Career by Louise A. Liddell read online TXT, MOBI, DJV


Preparing for Life and Career gives students the tools they need to develop skills they can use throughout their lives and careers. Teens are challenged to learn how to develop and keep successful relationships, be a good family member, and contribute to their community. The responsibilities of child care, clothing care, and home maintenance--and how to handle them--are also presented. * Organized into 27 chapters presented as short, easy-to-read sections. * New chapter is devoted to transportation options. * Includes many new photos and charts to stimulate interest in learning more. * Interesting questions are posed throughout the text to encourage critical thinking and problem solving. * Common Core activities encourage the mastery of skills needed for college and career readiness. Other chapter activities promote Journal Writing opportunities, Technology applications, and FCCLA participation., Preparing for Life and Career is a comprehensive text that gives students the tools they need to develop skills they can use throughout their lives and careers. Content is organized into 27 chapters presented as short, easy-to-read sections. New photos and charts stimulate interest in learning more. Each chapter contains several new features that reinforce life skills, academic skills, and "green living." Interesting questions are posed throughout the text to encourage critical thinking and problem solving. Preparing for Life and Career includes the following 8 units: Unit 1, Your Development and Relationships, shows students how to build self-concepts and become independent adults. Students also learn how to deal with family challenges and peer pressure. Unit 2, Managing Your Life, introduces management and planning processes as well as decision-making skills. Students learn how to manage their resources-time, energy, money, technology-to achieve their goals. A new section addresses environmental responsibility. Unit 3, Managing Your Career, provides content that helps students research careers and apply for jobs. They learn about the employability skills needed to be successful on the job. Unit 4, Understanding Children and Parenting, helps students learn how to care for children and become responsible babysitters. Unit 5, Your Health and Nutrition, focuses on staying fit and making healthful choices. Unit 6, Preparing Meals and Dining Out, shows students how to plan and prepare nutritious meals based on MyPlate. Unit 7, The Clothes You Wear, addresses proper clothing care. Students develop basic sewing skills they can use to sew easy designs and make wardrobe repairs. Unit 8, Housing and Transportation, helps students learn universal design concepts to address housing needs for all ages. Information is also included to help you teach students how to buy and safely operate their first car.

Louise A. Liddell - Preparing for Life and Career MOBI, PDF, EPUB

Each activity begins with a complete list of materials and continues with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions paired with helpful illustrations.Chronologies. * Subject index.Our students learn their literature, history, math, science, or art via a firm foundation of strong reading skills.They are not available in third-party eTexts or downloads." "*The Pearson eText App is available on Google Play and in the App Store.And, of course, no book covering the Lone Ranger would be complete without an in-depth look at the training of the Lone Ranger's legendary horse, Silver.With contributions from starsJohnny Depp andArmie Hammer, as well asJerry Bruckheimer's personal on-set photography andGore Verbinski's own production sketches, 'The Lone Ranger: Behind the Mask' is the ultimate companion book to the biggest film of 2013., Bringing The Long Ranger to the big screen was an epic odyssey for all involved, plagued by freak weather conditions, unforgiving terrain, and a never-ending stream of logistical nightmares.Critical Thinking sections give students the tools they will need to formulate their own opinions and express themselves effectively in the end-of-unit academic tasks.For example, a widely accepted belief is that if an individual adopts a mechanistic view of the curriculum, then s/he is likely to deliver a curriculum grounded in pre-established objectives and evaluate student achievement in relationship to formulated objectives.MEMORY TIPS: Memorizing words with the help of Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes.You can determine when and what to study, whether sitting comfortably at home, while driving to work, or in your spare time.Goals however, are different for law enforcement and military personnel.The new edition has been revised to strengthen the ways the text, MasteringBiology, and the instructor support materials work together in meeting the needs of both instructors and students before, during, and after class.Vocabulary is learned in context.